Monday, May 16, 2011

Coming To An End

It is my birthday on the same day as the battle... I am feeling quite low because i have noticed bad omens, which is far from a good sign. I feel my death may be on the same day as my birth and in a way I have accepted it. When Brutus and I spoke of what we will do if we lose the battle it frightened me.. To me we should not even be considering losing. It should not even be in mind. Our goodbye hurt because we both knew it could be the last time we would see or speak to each other. It hurt me even more than i could tell Brutus, But the battle must begin..

Before The Battle

Our armies arrived at Philippi and I was nervous but confident. Before the battle Octavius, Anthony, Brutus, and I had met to talk. We mostly exchanged insults and part of me had wished we killed them right then and there. They came to avenge Caesar's death and Octavious made that very clear... Standing there speaking to them made me realize I was right when I wanted to kill Antony along with Caesar's killing. I was right the whole time and Brutus had not believed me.. But this was not a good time to start a fight over something that nothing could be done about. Although I would have loved to shove it in Brutus's face.


Brutus spoke to me about what had been bothering him. Portia had committed suicide... I was in total shock. Why would she do such a thing? How could she do such a thing? So many questions that couldnt be answered.. He spoke about it like it didnt even bother him. I think it may have bothered me more than it appeared to have bothered him, which shocked me greatly. Brutus then began to change the subject to talk about our war strategy. We spoke about how I wanted to remain at Sardis but Brutus did not agree and it appears whatever he says goes... 

Sneaky Bribery

I accused Brutus of wronging me because I believe he did. As we argued in his tent I proceeded to get a little heated. Im angry Because Brutus condemned Pella for bribery. Brutus says I should not defend such a man, but I dont see why I should not defend him? He then began to accuse me of greediness, which to me was a larger insult than he may have thought. Brutus continued to accuse me of "failing him" when he asked for money to pay his troops when I never denied Brutus's request! After offering Brutus my dagger and my life he appologized, as did I, and our arguement came to an end.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Brutus and I engaged in an arguement. I am becoming more upset with him everyday and I fear our ties may be weakening. I accused Brutus of having wronged me, but Brutus said he would never... He is like a brother to me i guess. Neither of us wanted to fight infront of our army so we decided it was best to continue the conversation in private. I was extremely angry with Brutus by this point. When Brutus then accused me of taking bribes i was appauled. I was more than insulted by Brutus and our talk, and as he spoke of how disappointmented he is in me.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Telling the people of Rome

We must now explain our reason for doing this to Caesar and it wont be easy. I feel Brutus will do a good job in getting the people of Rome to side with us. It was something that needed to be done for the good of Rome. We did it to make sure no one was ever enslaved by Caesar in his rule. He would have been a tyrant. He would have ruined Rome. As I ran my hands through Caesars blood like Brutus said we should I felt strong. Like we had done a good deed for the people...Antony was more than shocked of Casear's death and im not sure he is trust worthy. He appears angry in every way, but almost a silent anger. He is promised we will make him one of us and give him a post in new government. When I asked if we could count him a friend, he said yes but I still do not trust his thoguhts.

Caesar's Death

The soothsayer warned Caesar once again but in his selfish ways he ignored his words. I am very greatful he is so large headed to not listen to anyone. Artemidorus attempted to pass Caesar a not of warning in which he declined to read the letter.. It was then we realized our plan was well known by others not on our side. This worried me greatly our cover may be blown. We needed to remove Mark Antony from the Capitol in which we were successful. Our test for Caesar was to see if he had enough heart to let Metellus's brother back into Rome (I knew Caesar would decline and this would lead to his death). We all pleaded to Caesar but it wasnt enough, it was then Casca took the first stab and we all joined.


I fear Caesar will not show at the Senate in the morning. It is the ideas of March and that he was told to beware by the soothsayer.. I am nervous maybe his superstitions willl keep him from coming.. Though i have put my trust in Decious to make sure Caesar makes an appearence. If he does not come to the Senate our plan will be ruined, and there is no telling when the next chance we will get to execute our plan. Caesar must be brought down and it is crucial he does not skip out on going to the Senate.

The Conspirators

The conspirators and I spoke to Brutus. We told Brutus we support him in taking down Caesar and he seemed very pleased. Mark Antony should be taken out also. I think he should be assonated, in addition to assassinating Caesar. But Brutus did not agree.. Brutus does not think he is a threat at all, but I am not sure i believe Mark Antony is powerless without Caesar like Brutus says..Though i may be wrong.

Cassius's Plan

There was a storm recently, and Casca was crazy talking about it. He thinks the gods are sending signs of bad things to come. I couldnt stand him rambling on in such fear like that. The night does exactly what Caesar does, makes many Romans fear him. I will kill myself before i let Caesar rule me. Casca agrees and it feels good to have someone on my side. I really do fear Caesar is gaining too much power. It is starting to scare me. Thats why I came up with a plan that will deffinetely get Brutus to join us. We are going to make letters and put them in through Brutus's window. If he thinks everyone fears Caesar and loves him he will try for king. Though I must make sure Casca does it, for if we do get caught it wont seem as though I had anything to do with it.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Caesar as King ?

I finally met up with Brutus today. He didnt want to stay at the festivities with me.
I was slightly upset, Brutus isnt as nice as as he used to be.. I but i told him how i feel and he appologized so i guess i can't be all that mad at him. Brutus and I are a little worried caesar might be the new king.
Apparently caesar has been offered the crown already.
 He turned it down three times... which is pretty shocking.
Caesar isnt fit to be a king, he is a sick, weak man in my mind.
I think Brutus should fill the spot. I know just the way to get him to try.