Monday, May 2, 2011

Telling the people of Rome

We must now explain our reason for doing this to Caesar and it wont be easy. I feel Brutus will do a good job in getting the people of Rome to side with us. It was something that needed to be done for the good of Rome. We did it to make sure no one was ever enslaved by Caesar in his rule. He would have been a tyrant. He would have ruined Rome. As I ran my hands through Caesars blood like Brutus said we should I felt strong. Like we had done a good deed for the people...Antony was more than shocked of Casear's death and im not sure he is trust worthy. He appears angry in every way, but almost a silent anger. He is promised we will make him one of us and give him a post in new government. When I asked if we could count him a friend, he said yes but I still do not trust his thoguhts.

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